Each Element has three (3) 90-minute modules: live, interactive webinars—jam-packed with content—with group coaching before and after.
Through this program you will…
- Discover your strengths and blind spots
- Learn a repeatable process for leading others
- Engage people better using personality type
- Be a more competent and confident leader
- Get more done through others
Now more than ever your world needs you to lead.
- Enroll at training.leadertype.com.
- Email info@leadertype.com for syllabus and pricing.
Get ready for an amazing learning experience!

From first time managers to old hat executives, Keahey’s leadership teachings offer inspiring nuggets of learning in a cogent, practical framework. A high recommendation from this Public Works Director.
Learning Objectives:
- Develop your unique leadership brand.
- Craft a strategy based on SWOT analysis.
- Get people’s buy-in when leading change.
- Influence your stakeholders to fully commit.
- Set goals, delegate and hold people accountable

Module Topics:
1. Self-awareness
2. Self-management
3. Unconscious bias
4. SWOT, Strategy
5. Vision, Change
6. Innovation, Meetings
7. Engagement, Trust
8. Power, Influence
9. Teams, Conflict, Collaborations
10. Goals, Decisionsn
11. Delegation, Execution
12. Feedback, Coaching
Each module each week includes:
- Pre-session reflection, readings
- 90-minute live, interactive learning sessions
- 15 minutes group coaching before and after
- Post-session follow-up actions

Why Cash?
- 15 years leading leadership workshops around-the-world + virtually
- Global Fortune 500 tech companies trust Cash to train their leaders
- 22-year leadership as Fortune 500 manager, mid-manager, director
- Diverse industry/functional career (sales, marketing, strategy, culture)
- MBA Finance + Strategy; BBA Marketing + Statistics, Univ of Houston
Contact us
Cash Keahey
Keahey Consulting Group, Inc.