What is LeaderCOACH®?
LeaderCOACH® is a mobile app that helps leaders conduct more robust, holistic and efficient conversations with others. By using LeaderCOACH®, leaders can:
- Think through in advance the relevant questions they plan to ask in a conversation or meeting.
- Get input on the best process/agenda to use in facilitating a conversation or meeting.
- Receive suggestions of relevant questions to ask during a conversation or meeting.
Reflect on a challenging leadership situation they face by answering questions.
Helps you lead efficient, engaging, multi-perspective meetings and conversations
Each module includes a structured sequence of questions to help you coach yourself & others to achieve a goal, develop a skill or take an action
For each conversation/meeting, you establish the objective and time frame. The app then prompts you with questions. While not a prerequisite, you can either supply your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) code, or take the LeaderType™ Indicator (LTI), which predicts where you tend to focus in a conversation/meeting, and lets you compare your actual performance in a conversation with the ideal.
Module | Purpose |
Accept feedback | reflect on feedback/critique, and move forward |
Get unstuck | move through a challenge, obstacle or setback |
Manage conflict | move people from disagreement to collaboration |
Present an idea | structure a presentation/proposal prior to delivery |
Probe a decision | reflect on a management decision you question |
Process reactions | sort out what happened in a meeting/conversation |
Request support | structure a request for action, decision or resources |
Review a meeting | conduct a post-critique, and identify improvements |
Self-reflect | focus weekly/daily on your leadership development |
Sell with SPIN® | leverage Neil Rackham’s 4-stage sales process |
Module | Purpose |
Adjust behavior | prepare and deliver redirecting feedback to someone |
Delegate a task | prepare and effectively lead a delegation conversation |
Engage employees | hold short, regularly scheduled 1:1 employee meetings |
Explore options | coach someone around their career situation & options |
Motivate action | help someone quickly translate insight into action |
Onboard newcomer | open dialogue/conversation with a new team member |
Process an event | reflect on a disturbing, surprising or significant interaction |
Re-focus effort | get someone to focus on solutions not problems, and act |
Reinforce action | structure and facilitate a positive feedback conversation |
Set goals | consider and communicate factors when setting objectives |
Module | Purpose |
Assess situation | diagnose one’s situational SWOT; identify best way forward |
Devise strategy | consider various perspectives in defining a group’s strategy |
Kick-off a project | pose questions the project leader and team should answer |
Lead change | plan implementation of a new process, tool, way of working |
Make a decision | consider multiple perspectives/questions that lead to a decision |
Manage an issue | respond to a political, regulatory, legal or public affairs issue |
Plan a meeting | pre-critique the why, when, where, how and who of a meeting |
Set ground rules | identify which ground rules will apply to a meeting |
Solve a problem | structure your approach to solving a non-technical problem |
Spur creativity | prompt creative thinking through a series of questions |

Frequently Asked Questions
Anyone who leads, influences, facilitates or coaches others— but especially leaders in those collaborative and matrixed organizations where power is more informal and relationships are more egalitarian.
Leaders achieve their goals through others, usually by engaging those individuals in dialogue. However, current tracking by Gallup reveals only 34 percent of employees feel engaged in their jobs. LeaderCOACH® can help leaders use conversations to better engage their workers, a shift in enthusiasm and empowerment that, in turn, can lead to better results for the organization.
Leaders face two problems when it comes to having conversations with others in their organization. First, they don’t feel they have the time to have thoughtful conversation, so they tend to deliver (push) information to others rather than ask for (pull) it.
Also, most leaders lack the ability to facilitate effective and efficient dialogue. They don’t know where to begin, what to ask, how the conversation should flow, how to conclude – in short, how to fully engage another person in a relatively short time.
For these reasons, leaders often lack the will to have meaningful conversations which only leads to employees becoming more resentful and further disengaged. To succeed, leaders need followers’ full and willing commitment; unfortunately, what they typically get is bare-minimum compliance.
LeaderCOACH® helps leaders more quickly conduct more effective conversations. It helps them outline how a conversation should flow (i.e. the steps/sequence). It uses neuroscience research to phrase them in a way that gets more insightful, creative responses. And, it nudges them to give greater attention to those elements of the conversation they might neglect or avoid altogether, based on their innate personality biases.
The 4 colors represent 4 perspectives or ways of discerning. Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist, referred to these as functions of a personality. Here is how each function contributes to overall understanding:
- Sensing (green) reality: what is happening or has happened, as perceived by the senses, in specific, concrete or literal terms;
- Intuition (yellow) imagines possibilities: what could be, where it might lead, what deeper meaning, significance or potential it has;
- Feeling (red) determines value: how agreeable, desirable or appropriate it is; to what extent is it in harmony with group norms or personal values;
- Thinking (blue) weighs it against objective criteria (e.g., principles): how clear, how correct, how logical or how reasonable it is; what are its consequences.
Jung said, “The four functions are somewhat like the four points on a compass…”: Sensing & Intuition are opposites, as are Feeling & Thinking. All 4 are needed to give a holistic view of a situation or issue.
Jung said For complete orientation all four functions should contribute equally:
- Thinking facilitates cognition and judgment,
- Feeling tells us how and to what extent a thing is important or unimportant to us,
- Sensing conveys concrete reality to us through seeing, hearing, tasting, etc., and
- Intuition enables us to divine the hidden possibilities in the background, since these too belong to the complete picture of a given situation.
Jung theorized that one of these functions predominates in a personality, and another supports it; the other 2 functions remain largely unconscious. Consequently, we tend to see the world from our unique, yet limited point of view; hence, the need to ask—and answer—questions from all 4 perspectives.
One thing becoming very clear about the brain is its social nature. In the context of human interaction, what and how questions are asked can put the brain either at ease or in stress—particularly if asked by someone perceived to have more status or power. Powerful questions are those which enable the person to think freely, spontaneously and creatively. They tend to be:
- open-ended,
- framed positively,
- forward-looking, and
- prompt fresh thinking.
Mostly, powerful questions assume a successful outcome—their tone is optimistic. Of course, the questioner’s tone of voice needs to be supportive—otherwise the brain will perceive ‘danger’ in answering openly and honestly. The brain then spends more energy crafting an answer it thinks the other person wants to hear rather than contemplating and responding with the most candid—and usually more insightful—answer
Contact us
Cash Keahey
Keahey Consulting Group, Inc.