“Refreshing! Engaging! Relevant! Unlike most leadership assessments that put you in a box, Eight LeaderTypes in the White House is an out of the box experience. It clearly demonstrates that although leaders have different styles, they have the ability to access all 8 types. Using the Presidents’ profiles was like a history lesson with current and future leadership application. A must-read!”
Rita Bailey
Founder, Up to Something
Profiling eight of American history’s greatest leaders, Cash looks at how the widely varying personalities of these presidents impacted their performance in the Oval Office, in each case leaving an indelible mark on the American presidency. The artfully constructed profiles—founded in the work of 120 presidential historians—and accompanying analyses, draw readers into the Oval Office as they identify with one or more of history’s monumental figures.
Whether you’re a casual fan of American history, or an expert in the Myers-Briggs/Jungian personality theory that serves as the basis for the author’s proprietary LeaderTypes, you’ll come away with a new view of how personality impacts leadership on the world stage and in your own life.
Excerpts From The Book
Harry Truman said, “In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves…self-discipline with all of them came first.” Before you can manage others, you must manage yourself. My hope is that by reading this book and identifying with one or more of these eight presidents you can better leverage a strength, mitigate a weakness, reduce a blind spot, clarify your brand, live your values, be more authentic, and have more confidence in your capacity to lead.
Successful leadership comes in at least eight different varieties, in four pairs of opposites:
Prudent George Washington ↔ Innovating Franklin Roosevelt
Visionary Thomas Jefferson ↔ Proactive Andrew Jackson
Independent John Adams ↔ Persuasive Harry Truman
Inclusive Abraham Lincoln ↔ Take Charge Theodore Roosevelt
The leaders opposite each other could not have been more different personality-wise. They had totally different leadership styles: the ones on the left preferred introversion; the ones on the right, extraversion; the top four focused primarily on how they perceived their world; the bottom four, mostly on their judgments of the world; some focused on details, others context; four decided primarily with their head, four mostly with their heart—all due to their personality type, and all critical to leadership.
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Cash Keahey
Keahey Consulting Group, Inc.